I have decided to look at the weekly chart again to get a glimpse of how bad it could get and determine how I might handle my core short positions if this keeps running.

As you can see, the closing price action (green line) suggests that a full rebound of last week's pullback has occurred. This suggests that we had a 1-week correction. Hmmm. Is that all we get? Last week I listened to a Bloomberg interview with a bullish analyst who said "I hope we get a full 10-15% pullback, anything less spells greater trouble for the sustainability of the rally in the near term." I would like to agree with his thinking, but it is getting tough to agree with logical statements in this market.
From a technical standpoint, we are right up against 50% and 62% retracement levels of the last two fibs, that should help to contain the rally - and I believe it has been doing just that in the last couple of weeks. We also hit resistance from a prior price level in 2004 - where the market consolidated in the 1000-1150 range after a 1 year bull rally off the 2003 lows. Don't let the time period phase you, it does effect current price action. The market's memory is much better than our own. We are also smack against the middle blade of the fib fan that stretches from the high in 2001 to the low in 2009 (a weak, but not insignificant, technical level). We are also approaching the top trend line of the downward channel formed during our crash of 2008. It seems price action could intersect with that trend line around 1120 - which happens to be right about the 50% retracement level of the entire crash when viewed on the weekly closing line chart.
I have highlighted the 1120 level several times in past posts. I have also stated that the end of October is my time frame for holding my short position. If we reach 1120 and do not reverse before the end of October - I will begin "rolling my short positions". This means phasing out my current holdings and adding at higher levels. I will target the next logical level which looks to be from 1200 - 1300. This is the 200p MA and the full retrace of the last support shelf in this crash.
I will go on record as saying that I do not believe this should or will happen. I believe the market should reverse soon and the S&P should be below 1000 before the end of October - possibly to levels as low as 900. Remember, these corrections happen when you least expect and usually after the last short has given up. They are violent - taking down the indexes by as much as 5% in a day for several days in a row. It is time to watch the smart money and specific sectors such as financials and technology - when they roll, so will the index.
Having said all of that, I circled the start of the bull run in 2003. In comments that I made many weeks ago, I suggested that this bounce resembles the bounce we saw in 2003 more than any other in history. Though the economic drivers are completely different today (we are not recovering and unemployment is rising) it would be prudent to study that run carefully. Note the relative positions of the MAs then and now - very similar. That run didn't slow down until the 200p MA was reached and even then, it only consolidated. It took 5 years to see sub 1000 again. I am not sure I want to hold my shorts that long!
Let's hope for some sanity next week! (I just finished chapter 1 of "Brain Surgery for Traders")
Good luck out there.
Great Post - thank you. Just started reading these daily, enjoy the TA mixed with the humor. And I sure need the humor these days.
all we have done is get close to the prior high. See page 2 of this article for the 78 Dow.
Thanks Rob - I'll take humor over heart failure any day.
Good luck out there.
Hey KPH,
My concern is that this is the third rise in the down trend and it has closed above the second rise. If we close above the first rise (the closing high for the year) we are back into the up trend. Hence the analysis of the upside potential on the weekly.
There is so much liquidity out there at zero cost - when combined with a collapsing dollar - equities and commodities may keep running.
I hope not as I remain 100% short.
Hey Dave,
If you dont mind me asking, what program or platform do you run your charts in. Not extremely happy with what i have now, and am shopping around.
Love the blog, this is what i wish school were like. Keep up the good work and gl
Hi , David , the third rise (today)
be higher then the 2nd rise .
Would that not already make it almost certain that, we are in leg 1 of a new up trend ? and not in leg 4 of a down .
There is so much liquidity out...... running.
Didn't we just see this movie a year ago .
I main need brain surgery , but I am less worried than last night , despite the above,
100% short having sold my hedge after hours.
For the record , if you become a brain surgeon I don't want to be your patient.
I went on one date one time with female brain surgeon. "freak show"
but I digress
David , Kph and all , my best
Guys check out this guy , short from May 15 and says he is not worried. Maybe he should be Davids
first operation. but who knows ,
Welcome! I currently use a combination of tools for my analysis and trading. Etrade is my securities broker and MF Global is my futures and FOREX broker. Etrade offers several tools to active traders including Etrade Pro and MarketTrader. E-Trade Pro is what I use for most of my technical studies of the index (inlcuding basic charting as well as back testing strategies) - though I prefer to trade using the MarketTrader platform (it supports multiple monitors).
For futures trading I use TT Trader which is based on Trading Technologies X-trader platform. The one click trading capability is essential for the scalping that I do on the ES and other highly leveraged instruments.
I think these tools are more than appropriate for most traders. At the same time, try not to get too crazy with the tools. Focus on the analysis and develop a trading strategy that works for your personal constraints (time and budget).
Good luck and thanks for commenting!
Hey Payline,
No, we have not broke the down trend yet. We have a warning. The reason is this - a down trend is defined by a series of lower lows. A low is set, then there is a "reaction" to a high, then a lower low is set, followed by another reaction to a high - and so on. The key is LOWER LOWS.
Our downtrend is still in place until the next pullback that fails to go below the prior low. So in theory we must see a test of the 1024 level in our next down move.
Keep in mind that the down move may zig-zag a bit. That is also OK so long as we continue moving down and do not "react" above the last high.
I am not sure if that helped - but the key is that we need to reverse and head down to sub-1024 pronto!
Of course, you realize that all of this is relative on three different trend scales. Some would argue that we are in a primary down trend while others will say we are in a primary up trend. Primary trends typically last for years (even bear trends). The secondary (intermediate) trends are the "reactions" that take place withing the primary trend. These typically last weeks to monrhts. So, some may argue that the leg up since March is a secondary trend in a primary bear market. Finally, the minor trends are the ups and downs that make up the secondary trends. They last from days to weeks. Right now we are in a minor down trend within a rising secondary trend within a bear market. At least that is how I see it!
Finally, there are random walk folks out there who give zero credence to trend analysis.
Choose your poison!
I read his analysis. there are a few folks out there pushing the rising wedge pattern - and it has merit, however to be short from 883 - that is tough. I thought I was early!
I'll tell you, I do think they have a chance to profit - even with a normal healthy correction. They are predicting a retest of the March lows it seems - possible but I can't justify that with my analysis at this time.
Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Thanks for the link.
David , yes that helped , very much thank you , clearly I do not have your TA skills but I am trying to pick up what I can. ( got the basic form Trader Vic)
I figured you would like the Ord guys link, I don't know what the heck he saw in May 15 that we haven't seen 5 times after that, and never shorting after. That is some kinda convection.
Nothing is Random :)
Best wishes
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