I say correction, and I mean it. We have seen the SPX correct 5% in three days. I would not be surprised to see another 5%-10% in the coming week. Assuming that the correction is eventually met with buying support, the SPX may very well trade in the 960-1040 range for a while post correction. If that is the case, how do we profit in this environment? I currently have short SPY puts at 104 which if assigned will wipe my short SPY equities position out this month. I will see a small loss from that assignment, but I will not complain. I was early and deserve to pay the tuition on that one. However, is there a way that I can make up those losses with limited risk going forward? I think so. Check out the risk graph that I put together for the SPY:

This graph is of course a traditional butterfly spread. I built it using put option spreads on the SPY with March expiration's. I could have also done it with call spreads, but since I am currently short a decent number of March 101 puts I decided to build on that position.
For those unfamiliar with this type of spread, it is formed by selling short two (2)puts at a middle strike price while simultaneously buying one (1) long put at some strike higher and one (1) long put a some price lower. The exact number of contracts is up to you but the ratio needs to be 2:1 (two middle shorts, 1 long above, 1 long below)
For my spread I chose SPY 101 as the middle short, 106 for my top long put, and 96 for my bottom long put. The total cost of this transaction for me is $3.07 and that is the maximum that I can lose. (My cost is about $0.40 higher than it would normally be because I am using pre-exising short puts sold at a lower premium than they are being traded at today). This max loss point occurs if SPY closes below $91or above $111 on March 20th. For this to happen, either the correction needs to run very deep without finding support - which means we have more than a correction - or the market rallies again - which is hard for me to believe.
My profit will range with this spread if spy is between $94 and $108 by March expiration. Any close of the SPX in the 140 point range of 940 to 1080 will produce profit for me in March. The maximum profit potential is $6.93 if March closes with the SPX at 1010. The fall off in profits from this middle max is linear in both directions (SPX above 1010 or below 1010). I would double my money if the SPX closes between 970 and 1050. I think it is a good risk reward profile.
I am contemplating the same for DIA. We have seen the DJI correct a similar 5% in three days with the real possibility of 5% to 10% more. That would put the DJI down in the 9000-9600 range while it finds support.
Here is that risk graph I am considering:

For my spread I chose DIA 96 as the middle short, 106 for my top long put, and 86 for my bottom long put. The total cost of this transaction for me is $3.67 and that is the maximum that I can lose. (My cost is about $0.40 higher than it would normally be because I am using pre-exising short puts sold at a lower premium than they are being traded at today). This max loss point occurs if DIA closes below $86or above $106 on March 20th.
My profit range with this spread is $89.50 to $102.50. Any close of the DJI in the 1300 point range of 8950 to 10250 will produce profit for me in March. The maximum profit potential is $6.33 per share if March closes with the DJI at 9600. The fall off in profits from this middle max is linear in both directions (DJI above 9600 or below 9600). I would more than double my money if the DJI closes between 9350 and 9850.
Let me know what you think of the ranges - I think they are correct.
just a reflection:
As I think you can best use a long butterfly if you are kinda neutral on market direction and bearish on volatility.
So if you are bearish on the markets, as I think you are and likely so the volatility might go up, is this the right/best strategy?
Or am I misinformed (wich would not be surprising as of late).
Good luck
Hey Paulus,
You raise the most important question - which is market direction. I am bearish, to the extent that we should see a correction of perhaps 15%. Beyond that, I favor a nuetral market - one which should trade in a range for several months/quarters without a major break one way or the other.
My bearish disposition is the reason I chose 1010 SPX and 9600 DJI as my sweet spots. 1010 is about a 10% correction off of the 1150 high set this month and the 9600 is roughly 10% off the DJI high.
I may be early on this position but I may be spot on as well.
What do you see as a range for the S&P and DOW this year?
Here is a link interesting , it was posted the first week of may , I first saw it in Oct ,
Hey Payline,
Nice link. All weekend I have been analyzing and evaluating general market conditions. Has something changed fundamentally? Is free money in jeopardy? Perhaps it is. China, Bernake, War on the Banks. This thing is teetering...
As I look at these last three days, I am becoming more and more alarmed. The volumes on the sell-off are enourmous. We have not seen these levels since the end of October - and even then, we did not have this kind of decline. This is looking a lot like the
I have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be a very, very significant selloff.
My quick analysis is telling me that the SPX will see another 60 points vanish this week and if we do not hold at 020-030, then the 960 is a given - perhaps very quickly.
I am trying to stay calm, but I have a very anxious feeling about this - and I have a naked short put position that needs to be covered and incorporated into a spread on Monday morning pronto.
I will be all over the futures Sunday night. I am hoping to carelully re-construct a substantial short line on the ES.
When the markets are dropping, there is only one thing to do - SELL! And do not stop until prices stop falling.
What are your thoughts on the range for 2010?
David , I will comment on Range with some historical data , and a bunch of IF , IF .
I will take the conservative EWT view , 2007 to march 2009 Awave ,
March to Jan ,Bwave , Jan to ? Cwave.
If so Awave * .62 would target the spx at 594.
If this is a C wave it should be faster and sharper than Awave was .
First 5 down 63 points 10days 4%
Retrace 50 points 12day
Wave 1 Larger Degree
159 points 49days 10%
Retrace 109 points 14days
Wave 1 major Degree
287 points 163day 18%
Retrace 159 points 60day
Faster Sharper , Smaller Retraces should be the case IF this is a Cwave.
Best trading for everyone ..
David ,
As self examination all us Bears made the same simple mistake, We did not follow the trend and we lost the big picture in the moment
we all thought 1121 was they target, but lost sight of that from day to day, We found a way to be wrong even when we where right .
Dans link besides great Ta , really shows a handle of the Social aspect.
As for what has changed , In My view , hope is fleeding... That covers all the things you mentioned and more....
I smell fear , I can feel it building ,
When Paul Krugman coincides there was not multiplier effect , the White House is forced to listen to Paul Volker.....
When the Fed gov spent 2.1T and the Fed 4+T, more than they took in . 20K per man woman and baby.
and " this " is what we have ...
Cnbc Europe, The German reporter " when the Chandler explains to the German people there money will go to support Grease , they may be riots in the street" .
I watched they portfolio balance increase by twice the average American household income this week. and I could not ever crack a smile , at first I thought it was numbness from the false starts before , But I dont think that is it, I think its knowing what is before us is not pretty ....
My Best .
Though I will not rule out the possibility, I am not fully convinced that we are starting the famous C wave. If so, God help us as I am not sure the country can handle a crash right now.
I am finishing some technicals tonight and will post them soon.
Thanks for your thoughts!
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